The Chosen Two Archive
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Members: 1539
Series: 20
Stories: 290
Chapters: 1551
Word count: 7910064
Authors: 59
Reviews: 2554
Reviewers: 156
Newest Member: evesock


Reviews For Bikini Fic

Name: Barachiel (Signed) · Date: 10/30/2018 12:52 PM · For: Chapter 1


OMG, I never knew how badly I wanted a hardcore X-rated Fuffy rom-com, but you have enlightened me.  

This made me laugh out loud multiple times, coo a few more than that, and make me a little embarrassed I was reading this on company time.  

I've rarely seen a fic juggle humor, romance, sexual tension, and pure unadulterated smex as well as this.  

Author's Response:

I'm sad to hear I killed Barachiel, but at least they went happy. And on company time too. I'm thinking this is a lose/win/win!!!

Thank you for the nice feedback. I'm giddy and thrilled that I could fill a need you didn't even know you had!

Bobbi :) : ) :)

Name: aliceinwonderbra (Signed) · Date: 08/18/2013 06:32 PM · For: Chapter 9

Okay so I didn't give you 24 hours. I assume you're furiously writing away though. :) The convo with Giles was my favorite part. Especially this: 

“‘Cause we’d rather fuck each other, okay?! How goddamn old are you anyways?”

“Christ, can hear you cleaning your glasses all the way over here. Sorry.”

“So you’re not mad?”

 Mouthing off and then, so you're not mad? :D hahaha. Poor Giles. I'd like a one shot from his POV where he just stares at the credit card balance increasing, and drinks a lot of tea. Possibly laced with alcohol. 

All in all, great fluffy fic from a comedy genius. :p No liquids came out my nose, but there's always One Piece Fic... :)

Author's Response:

Now I just need to put the corrector thing in and make sure it's not reversed and...What? Alice!

I'm glad you liked the Giles/Faith conversation and yeah, that'd be one hell of a one-shot!

"Yes, Mr. Giles here. Please tell me this card has a limit of some sort...Bollocks!" ...Begins pouring tea into whiskey bottle. ;)

Gee, I've never had to pin all my hopes on nose fluid before. I feel...dirty somehow.

Thanks for the feedback! I'm really happy you liked the fic :) :) :)

Name: aliceinwonderbra (Signed) · Date: 08/18/2013 01:08 PM · For: Chapter 8

"There was also her new and insane training regimen. I guess she was getting ready for the decathlon or the biathlon or some kind of “athlon” thing because she was swimming laps constantly, doing push-ups and sit-ups every time I turned around, and she even went out running twice. It didn’t seem to be helping her all that much, but she kept at it."

Lolllll. Poor Faith. I love the image of Faith just training away, trying to work out the jitters, and Buffy just making everything worse and worse.

I was a little surprised Faith wasn't angry about being manipulated. Buffy's basically saying, I think you have the emotional maturity of a 10 year old and can't handle adult relationships. I sort of expected Faith to be pissed and be like, why are you insane and you didn't give me a chance to talk? But I think she was blinded by the sex. :p

Only one more chapter? I'll give you 24 hours to remedy this. Think you can churn a few more out and paste 'em in by then? Okay, anddddddd, go!

Author's Response:

Faith was doing her best, but I guess you could just say Buffy's was better. Or worse. My, this is confusing.

HA! I don't think that's what Buffy was saying about Faith's "emotional maturity" at all, and I saw Faith's lack of anger as a sign she'd really grown over the years. At least that's what I was shooting for when I wrote it. Or maybe the phenomenal sex solved everything after all.

Just a sec...Don't rush me! I'm trying to get the ribbon in the typewriter...

Thanks for the feedback :) :) :)

Name: aliceinwonderbra (Signed) · Date: 08/13/2013 04:37 PM · For: Chapter 7

Okay this:

"She went off to the shower whistling, and I began getting dressed. Well right after I had sex with that rose. Okay no, I didn’t have sex with the rose, but I did smell it and kind of rub it against my lips. God, the sexy look of pleasure on her face when…" 

Giggle snort. Oh, Buffy. So weird. :p

I loved that wicked surf wrestling match turned neck kiss. It was wicked awesome. Also walking behind her on the way home because her shorts were sticking to her butt. :) hahaha. 

At the risk of earning your scorn, I will confess... I love the Ewoks! And I loved Buffy loving them and crying over it. In the vein of movies everyone has seen, Katy has never seen Lord of the Rings. I think they're awesome and all, but I haven't found like 12 hours to sit around watching them with her yet. :p So I commend Faith for doing it, although Star Wars is easier watching than LotR. And I concur with her assessment of the rest of the movies. I blame Hayden Christiansen. Why not just get a piece of actual wood to play Anakin? It would have been more life like, damn it! 

Ahem. Okay. Anyway, great chapter. I loved their bonding. It was adorable. :)


Author's Response:

HAHAHA!!! But...but Buffy's not weird, she's just unique and kicky and so in love, she's a weirdo.

Ahh...wrestling in the surf, butt clinging shorts...Ewok loving...Not that kind!

Have no fear, I won't scorn you. It's always the really girly ones (men included) who love the Ewoks. You guys just can't help it. Something about their plucky fuzziness gets you where it counts. Also you're giving me nice feedback, so you could even love Jar Jar Binks and I'd...Uh...Okay, no. Then I would have to rain down scorn upon you in a monsoon, but I just know we're safe and you would never tell me such a thing is true.

Yes, Hayden was completely lifeless and boring, I don't get it. I liked Natalie well enough, but he sucked the life out of every scene, even some he wasn't in. The one thing I did enjoy very, very much? I absolutely LOVED the way Liam Neeson wielded his light saber. Yes, that sounds a bit dirty, but oh my...Is it hot in here? He was so sexy and manly...Where am I?

Thank you for the feedback. I'm really happy you're laughing along :) :) :)


Name: aliceinwonderbra (Signed) · Date: 08/13/2013 03:49 PM · For: Chapter 6

As usual, this chapter was laugh out loud funny. Your Buffy voice is great, and always hilarious. I liked Faith's jitteriness (is that a word?). Poor thing. Buffy's idea of seduction is not at all subtle. I don't know how Faith's holding out against her. 

As much fun as the light hearted stuff is, my favorite moment was probably when Faith told Buffy it meant a lot to her that they're friends now. It was really sweet. :')

I lol'd at Buffy listening for heroic music. That's so random and goofy. I love little touches like that, that really make her come to life. 

Loved Faith's Olympic swimming. Hope it helps, girl. I'm sure it's not getting any easier for you in the next chapter. :D

Author's Response:

"Laugh out loud funny"! WHEEEE!!! :)

"Jitteriness" ought to be a word if it isn't! But Faith is tough as nails, hard as steel,,,if the nails and steel were having a nervous breakdown and constantly turned on.

I love that you liked when Faith told Buffy it meant a lot that they were friends, and also when Buffy was listening out for heroic music. I think she'd be really excited to know that she really does have a cool theme song.

Faith, the Lap Slayer! I guess a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, but that applies to Buffy too. Battle of the Slayers!

Thanks for the feedback :) :) :)

Name: aliceinwonderbra (Signed) · Date: 08/08/2013 10:30 AM · For: Chapter 5

I could have done without the Spike love. :p But I was on board for the Angel love and the Parker cattiness. Especially the Angel love, because I love Angel, and if there is one thing that stayed consistent even through the show, even the crappy last season, it's that Buffy does too. 

I loved the talk with Giles. He's surprised, but only that Buffy's actually facing her feelings. Haha! I snorted at his distaste for Kennedy. I don't understand it either, G man. How I wish the hellmouth had influenced Willow to begin dating Kennedy. Hey, maybe it did. Can you go back and fix that, Bobbi? 

Poor Willow, trying to talk some sense into Buffy. "Uh, you know, talking is an option, Buff?" Buffy's not trying to hear that. Giles is an old romantic, isn't he? Shelling out the dough so B can seduce F, lol. :) I'm excited to get to the next chapter and see the actual (sure to be hilariously executed) seduction attempts. :D

Author's Response:

Well, two out of three ain't bad. I'm glad you love Angel, I do too, although not as much as one of my sisters. She claims him as hers and I certainly don't want to cross her. She's a hair puller.

HAHAHA!!! If I'd have thought of it, Willow would have dumped Kennedy like a hot and annoying potato. A hugely lost opportunity :(

Speaking of love, although of a strictly platonic nature, Giles does love him some Buffy. I guess from my viewpoint, making her happy is just about the only thing that can easily overpower his frugality.

Thanks for the feedback :) :) :)

Name: aliceinwonderbra (Signed) · Date: 08/05/2013 07:39 PM · For: Chapter 4

Ahaha. Buffy, slayer senses could come in handy here. To, you know, determine if someone is in the room. I am so with Faith on the throwing and threatening to stab thing. Wouldn't we all like to do that to dudes who don't know when to Shut the fuck up and go the fuck away?

The problem with Buffy is that she thinks she's making the first move by sitting close on the couch and similar crap, but really she expects Faith to pick up on that and make the first move! And why would Faith do that, given their history together? Buffy's expecting too much. After all the ups and downs between them, it's kinder to be clear and honest. She should have let Willow help her more, because this plan was crap. :p

Author's Response:

Buffy's a woman on a mission and she gotta play it the way she sees it. Or doesn't see it. Or sense it. Or something it.

I know I'd certainly like to throw Justin, there's no doubt about that ;)

I say just put your faith in Buffy(pun intended). She is The Slayer and The Buffy after all.

Thanks for the feedback :) :) :)

Name: aliceinwonderbra (Signed) · Date: 08/02/2013 07:56 PM · For: Chapter 3

"She didn’t look scared, mostly she just looked stupid. Of course that made sense because she is way more stupid than anything else." Preach it, grrrrrrl. I have drunk the Kennedy haterade, and it is gooood. I loved Buffy choking her! I guess Kennedy doesn't like Faith too much either? Or she's just saying whatever possible to piss Buffy off? 

Classic Buffy babbling. Poor Willow was really trying to follow her line of thought, but there was no following our girl on this one. I lol'd at the image of Buffy wrapping her up in the blanket. Good chapter!! :) excited for the next. Maybe I can blow off our plans for tonight and finish the story? 


Author's Response:

Kennedy haters untie!

In this fic Kennedy is an equal opportunity agitator: she doesn't like Faith and she enjoys pissing Buffy off. And sometimes her crappy behavior gets her choked, among other things. Did I already say: "Kennedy haters untie!" because I meant to ;)

I'm glad you liked the chapter and could picture Babbling B saving Willow's life, but please don't make your girl hate me. No blowing off vacation plans, I don't want Katy making a sudden detour to Florida.

Thanks for the feedback!


Name: aliceinwonderbra (Signed) · Date: 08/02/2013 06:05 PM · For: Chapter 2

Watching her while she sleeps eh? Creepy Buffy. I love the explanation that the Hellmouth made the Scoobies act like complete asses, because I hated that scene in season 7. Grrr. Joss Whedon must have been affected by the freaking Hellmouth, to allow that to reach my TV. 

I like the rundown of Buffy's activities. I do admire your willingness to embrace the stories we were left with, regarding Spike and Andrew. I'd probably have to re-write history and rid myself of them because I hate both. :p 

Loved Buffy trying to prove to herself that nothing's going on with Faith. Oh yeah, Buffy, how did that work out for you? I have to wonder how this love confession to Giles played out. I imagine there was glasses polishing and wishing the Hellmouth would open and swallow them all whole. 

So I'm driving through Sacramento right now. Well, I'm in the passenger seat. I'm going to get caught up on my reading this trip. It's like you're on the road trip. Can you smell that wonderful California air, Bobbi Bee? Well, it's actually kind of gross because there are a lot of cows, but still. :)

Author's Response:

You and me both! That moment in Season Seven was totally unfathomable and made me hate everyone, especially Joss Whedon. I had to figure out some way to let me love the characters again, but I never came back around when it comes to Joss.

So I guess your hatred means you won't be reading my new Spirew story? Damn, the love scene in chapter 69 is so sweet and so very tender.

Yes, Buffy did her best to talk herself out of it, but true love, especially Fuffy true love, cannot be denied. Certainly not in this story anyway :)

Read on and you'll no longer wonder about the polishing of glasses. Now shh, I'm breathing in deep and enjoying the California bovine laced air.

Thanks for the feedback :)


Name: Wixy (Signed) · Date: 07/31/2013 01:11 PM · For: Chapter 1

Okay, so in all honesty I'm not a huge fan of POV stories... But you have gone and big fat made me change my mind!! I was blown away! I loved how it read ... it was like an open book of emotions! I'm like.. Wow! Wow! It felt raw and real and... I can't find the words! But basically I fuckin loved readin this! So thanks for sharin! Next stop... Faith's version of events!

Author's Response:

Hi, Wixy!

I'm having great difficulty typing this because my smile is so huge, I can barely see the keyboard :) :) :)

I feel like writing: "Wow! Wow!" back to you is the best way to express my happiness that you enjoyed the story so much, especially since you weren't a big fan of POV fics. :) :) :)

And I have to tell you that this expression: "But you have gone and big fat made me change my mind!" made me laugh and enjoy being called "fat" even though I wasn't. I'm considering getting "raw and real" stamped onto my forehead...Did I mention I'm smiling like a crazy person?

Thanks so much for the feed back and fingers crossed that "One Piece Fic" works for you too!


Name: aliceinwonderbra (Signed) · Date: 07/29/2013 06:38 PM · For: Chapter 1

Okay, attention! Attention! The moment you've been waiting for... I'm here to read the fic! *waits for applause* 

Initially I thought they were already dating, but then at the end of the chapter I realized I was wrong, haha. I'm more excited this way though, because I love getting together fics. I'm with Buffy on how annoying those people were. Do you reveal later how the slayers saved the guy (and from what)? Just curious what happened to him. 

Buffy is so mean--talking about Giles's cheapness when she knows darn well he shelled out for the room next door! I guess she can't very well tell Faith that or she'll want to move in there. :p 

I'm curious what's going to happen next. It seems like a set up for pwp, but I know Topak is a sucker for romance, and she talked this fic up big time. :)


Author's Response:

Oh my, I believe I'm experiencing the vapors. *applause rings out loudly throughout the land...or at my kitchen table*

Yes, this is definitely a "getting together" fic and you weren't wrong. They're together at the end of the story, you were just jumpng the gun a little bit. I hear new archive owners are like that :)

I do reveal what happened to Kevin Dawson and how he was saved, but that takes place in "One Piece Fic". I'll give you the inside scoop if you aren't going to read that story, although I feel certain Faith will not appreciate that sort of behavior.

Buffy is a woman on a mission, if Giles has to be thrown under the bus, so be it. She means business.

This fic is totally a PWP: Plot Without Porn is my specialty...Besides, it has the esteemed "Topak Seal of Approval". Enough said.

Thanks for the feedback!


Name: topak (Signed) · Date: 07/26/2013 08:24 AM · For: Chapter 1

I love this fic!!! How many times have I told you that? 1,019,012, right? I'm so happy to see it here. *smoooooch*

Author's Response:

Hmm...I don't recall if you've ever mentioned your enjoyment of this story before. Maybe once in passing? Maybe passing in once?

Okay, yes, but only 1,019,011 times. Let's not exaggerate :)

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