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Members: 1539
Series: 20
Stories: 290
Chapters: 1551
Word count: 7910064
Authors: 59
Reviews: 2554
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Name: Guest (Anonymous) · Date: 05/17/2014 11:46 AM · For: Prologue: Just Lie There And Listen

I was very happy when the first story was finished, excited to read it. Then this was published with Riley in the banner a lot of angst and a lot of unhappy reviews. That made my interest die completely.

It's nothing personal against you whatsoever. Riley is good guy and loves Buffy and bla bla bla.. But I can't stand him. Yeah better than the stupid vamp, I agree, why is that ship so popular? But I still don't wanna read about the soldier.

Author's Response:

Well, thanks for your honest views. I understand why some people don't like Riley, he's dull and worthy and blah, blah.

Hopefully I'm going to try and write him a little differently- maybe make him a bit more relatable. I always thought his relationship with Buffy was a bit...bland. The guy has some potential


And, hey, this is supposed to be a Fuffy fic! There will be angst to start with, that what makes these things interesting after all, but also some sappy stuff. Proclamations of love, and girly smoochies and Buffy believing in Faith when everybody else had turned against her...

Well, that's my pitch, if I don't re-ignite your interest, that's a shame.


Thanks again! :)


Name: Elphaba (Signed) · Date: 05/16/2014 08:04 PM · For: Prologue: Just Lie There And Listen

Utterly brilliant, poignant and heartbreaking.


i guess I understand Buffy wanting to move on - I guess as times gone on the alternate timeline starts to feel more like a dream, and especially with her not being gay (which tbh I'm not too happy about - we know in canon she has a fling with Satsu, so trying it out in college would be acceptable - especially after knowing the soft delicate strength that comes with being with a woman) but hey, it's your alt timeline...


or maybe it's denial - she can't have faith therefore no other woman can compare. Men are easier and safer... Makes sense... But if that's what you were thinking it would be nice for her to explore or acknowledge that a bit.


otherwise, I'm so happy the sequel has started, thank you.

Author's Response:

Well, thank you. That really means a lot. :)


And, to be clear, I'm not big on labelling and sexuality. Buffy, to me, was always attracted to Faith on some level. They had a connection, on some level Faith understood her better than anybody. The whole crazy destiny they'd both been 'chosen' for.Was that a 'slayer' thing or something more. To me, its the whole package, slayer, gorgeous girl, personality, all those things mixed together to make Buffy, at the right time, for for Faith.

But I was sorta trying to show that Buffy was a little unsure of her sexuality after Faith, so she did the superficial thing of staring at girls, figuring things out on her own, (she couldn't really tell anybody except Giles, and thats not a conversation I would imagine Buffy would ever want to have!) trying to 'gauge' her own reactions. So, hardly a scientific method!

Maybe I could've had Buffy 'explore' that side a bit more (missed opportunity?), and date girls in college...but she was still getting over Faith, and I didn't really see her actively pursuing anybody, boy or girl.

But Parker, and later Riley pursued her, so to me it made sense that she would open up in that way.

I hope that my reasoning makes some kind of sense.


Anyway, I'm glad you're reading, enjoying and commenting. All good things!

Name: madison4865 (Signed) · Date: 05/16/2014 03:45 AM · For: Wake Up Call: Part 2 (Days Gone Bye)
a little confusing at the start. who or what is the shadow? is it the djinn? confusing. faiths thought process always kind of seemed a little convoluted when it came to herself and her relationships. hopefully clearer heads will appear at some point.

Author's Response:

Hmn, I was shooting for 'mysterious' but hey...

The shadowy figure has their own agenda for our two slaying gals and it ain't pretty. (well, actually, in a way it is...) But I don't want to give away any plot but their identity will be revealed, at some point.


I got quite a few e-mails from readers on another site about how 'my Faith' was waay too stable in my last fic, given how she turns out later on.

My argument at the time was that Faith in S3 is all about putting a badass, cool image out there and hiding all her pain and negative emotions behind that 'doesn't give a crap 'tude', but then killing Finch sends her way off the rails into self-loathing and pain and jealousy...

So, in S4 and later on in 'Angel' Faith is all messed up, and unstable to boot. She knows that she's done wrong, deep down, but feels that she made the best of a hopeless situation, and blames Buffy for most of it.


Again, its just my take on the character. Hopefully Buffy can reach her.


Thanks for the feedback! :)


Name: SixPerfections (Anonymous) · Date: 05/15/2014 12:54 AM · For: Wake Up Call: Part 1 (Love You And Leave You)

Oh man. This chapter was neccesary and it built up the tension nicely, but dammit just needed some damn Faith in my life. That ending was amazingly cliffy. Horrible horrible cliffie. On another note I'm very glad you're writing this story and are continuing on from your last one. Love it! :)


If I'm not mistaken the next chapter is the first time you've done Faith POV? I'm actually really excited about that. I want to know what, if anything, is different from the canon and just what is going on in her head. I'm guessing lots of pain and angst, poor Faith :(


Author's Response:



Uh, yeah the next chapter isn't going to resolve the cliffhanger, just come at it from the other side- sorry about that.

And yes, the next chapter is my first Faith POV, and since I love Faith POV stories I'm kind of daunted by the whole thing. Talk about my pain and angst :)


Still, I'll be posting it a little later today and crossing my fingers for positive feedback for the rest of the week!


Thanks again.

Name: SixPerfections (Anonymous) · Date: 05/15/2014 12:21 AM · For: Prologue: Just Lie There And Listen

Wow.. That was a depressing first chapter. You know this was even more of a downer than the last two chapters of the previous story that were supposed to be all depressing. Damn. This was intense, so sad. Even more so if Faith somehow actually  heard everything said, which I kinda doubt but who knows. Great chapter though. While it was sad it was still a good emotional hook. And Buffy ended up with Riley again, uuughhh.. I actually like that actor in a lot of his other roles (Necessary Roughness) but I just never could relate to him/get into him in Buffy. Just major Meh.

Really looking forward to seeing how Faith is going to be when she wakes up. Will Buffy talking to her all the time have mellowed her out some? Or is she going to go on the same type of destructive/self-destructive rampage she did on the show? Or at least try to? Can't wait to find out :)

Author's Response:

Oh, hey again.  :)


Yeah, a little depressing right? Still, an upside- no stupid Parker-face! (But also no Cave-Buffy. :(  )

Still, I'm glad you enjoyed it/it got a reaction. Most reactions are good.

Oh, so, not a lot of Riley love out there huh?

I freely admit I didn't like him the first time around, but at least he makes Buffy happy, which is more than you can say for the trainwreck that was Spuffy. (I have no idea why that 'ship is so popular...)

At worst Riley is blandly, boringly inoffensive, that's not to say that Faith's going to like him though. If your rooting for Faith, that's good!


Thanks for your thoughts.



Name: MickTrex (Signed) · Date: 05/12/2014 04:22 PM · For: Wake Up Call: Part 1 (Love You And Leave You)

You're back already and I'm already tingling with anticipation for the first enounter between the two slayers. I'm hoping the back and forth of POVs won't just be the same chapter from two different perspectives and that each chapter genuinely progresses the story.

Hopefully I won't have long to find out at the speed you're pumping this out! :D

Your characterisation of the cast is great as always and Buffy really does seem to speak and think like canon Buffy. Glad to see you not unrealistically bashing Riley like some writers would, I'm interested to see how this little love triangle will develop. Here's to chapter 3.

Author's Response:

Feel free to tingle away!

Well, the next chapter will be stuff told from Faith's POV, but will have a couple of other intrigung bits. (At least I hope they're intriguing...) But it will end at kinda the same moment as this one, just from the other side.

But after that, rest assured that each chapter will progress and move the plot on. I've even thrown in a couple of other POV's, although Buffy/Faith will be the main focus.


And yep, I like Riley. (in S4 anyway..) Guilty.:)

I think in a lot of S4 fics he's sort of unfairly cast as this unlikable, stupid, teutonic guy, where in actual fact he's sorta nice, a bit boring but a good, solid guy. That's his appeal. Not that he's perfect, he has his faults, just like Faith has hers. :)

If I do this right then they'll be a nice contrast between the Buffy/Riley stuff and the Buffy/Faith stuff. Love triangle's are tricky things and I've seen enough bad ones to (hopefully) avoid most of the pitfalls.


Thanks for the feedback as always.

Name: AustenFuego (Signed) · Date: 05/11/2014 11:28 PM · For: Prologue: Just Lie There And Listen

It was so good I almost wish I hadn't read because now I have to wait for more!!

Author's Response:

Don't wish! 'Cause then it might actually happen and then the Djinn would feed off you or something...possibly.

Wow, that was a close one!

Thank you for the compliment anyway. :)

And you shouldn't have to wait long. End of the week, maybe, for the Faith part.

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 05/11/2014 09:55 PM · For: Wake Up Call: Part 1 (Love You And Leave You)

ahhh cliffhanger

Author's Response:

heehee...That's my evil laugh btw.

Though I will try and keep my cliffhangers to a minimum...only when absolutely required...promise. :)


Thanks for the comment.

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 05/11/2014 09:46 PM · For: Prologue: Just Lie There And Listen

Poor Buffy, Waiting is definitely not easy. Its true though, that she cannot wait forever. Its not her fault she doesnt know what we do.

Author's Response:

True, if only Buffy was aware she was starring in an angsty fan-fic she would've waited longer. :)

But yes, waiting is torture. Not to mention all that guilt and regret. Riley's like a big, cardboard-y band-aid for all those wounds!


Thanks for the review.

Name: madison4865 (Signed) · Date: 05/11/2014 05:50 PM · For: Wake Up Call: Part 1 (Love You And Leave You)
lol. had to read the conversation with riley on the way to giles twice, didn't get it at first! duh! very funny. hope you post again soon, cannot wait to see the interaction between the girls. gonna be intense.

Author's Response:

Thanks. I'm glad you liked the way I wrote Riley/Buffy. They are a sweet couple, but we all know who Buffy's meant to end up with...

The next chapter will be a Faith POV. The chapter after that (still in development) will be their first interaction. And yes, it will be intense!


Thanks again.

Name: JellyLikeKelly (Signed) · Date: 05/11/2014 05:17 PM · For: Wake Up Call: Part 1 (Love You And Leave You)

OMG I'm so excited.

The whole beginning broke my heart, btw. Damn you. Damn you in the face.

Author's Response:

Things will get better, eventually, I promise!

There might even be some Fuffy-ness, who knows...  ;)

Thank you.

Name: Hayley (Signed) · Date: 05/11/2014 04:11 PM · For: Prologue: Just Lie There And Listen

I like the start of this!

This makes me feel bad for Buffy. She's trying so hard to stick by Faith but no one knows the side of Faith she does. I can see why she needs to take a step back in the end.

I did like how Buffy read comics to Faith though.

Can't wait for the next chapter! :)

Author's Response:

Thank you.

Yeah, I wanted to make it a painful journey, to show as to why Buffy wanted to move on, 'take a step back' is a nice way of putting it actually.

All that guilt and sorrow...Buffy always has it tough when it comes to love. =(


The comic was the Frank Miller/Daredevil classic. 'Born Again', in case you were wondering. It's one of the better Daredevil offerings.


Thanks again!



Name: madison4865 (Signed) · Date: 05/11/2014 01:33 PM · For: Prologue: Just Lie There And Listen
so happy to see the sequel up! luv the banner. nice start,, loved the buffy babble and how she visited all the time,reading comic books to faith and even getting into them herself. as time went on it got a little sad and then down right depressing when buff felt like she had to move on,especially with riley! to boring. nice, nice is boring emotional start, that i like!

Author's Response:

Yep, the great banner credit goes to 'Azirahael'. Who was very patient with my various requests and requirements.


The Buffy stuff was fun to write, fighting 'Lestat' and reading 'Daredevil' to Faith. (what else is she gonna read to Faith that she knew she's enjoy?) and yes, big sadness. :(


Be warned, I'm not a big Riley-hater or anything. The guy's got his faults sure but I'm not gonna turn him into a one-note 'jealous boyfriend-type' (hopefully!), he's got his appeal...but he's up against Faith, poor guy!

Thanks for the review!

Name: DYMN (Signed) · Date: 05/11/2014 07:44 AM · For: Wake Up Call: Part 1 (Love You And Leave You)

YAY!!!!!!!! So glad the second part is up! been looking forward to this. are you going to keep the chapters on par with the episodes or are they all about to be very different after "the I in team"?

What I mean is are they just gonna be mostly the same but with faith added or different? Jus curious! Great start =)

Author's Response:

Um, formats gonna be a little different since I'm mashing together 'The I In Team', 'This Year's Girl', 'Goodbye Iowa' and some original stuff to begin with, but later will have a bit more of episodic feel (sorta like the first one.) with Faith added to other situations.

I had some great ideas as to how she could fit in to some of the later episodes and improving the hell out of them just by being there!


Thanks for your thoughts and encouragement. :)

Name: Cookierhys2010 (Signed) · Date: 05/11/2014 07:34 AM · For: Wake Up Call: Part 1 (Love You And Leave You)

It's up... The next... OMG the sequel

i think my brain is malfunctioning!!

good start in these first two chapters. I can't wait to see where you take this!!

also so can't wait for Buffy to Willow she was gay first! And that she slept with Faith before Xander (sorta!)

Sorry I stopped replying to the first part of this, I got really lazy! But I read all the chapters and loved them! I may even reread it all again soon!!!

so excited for the next chapter!!!



Author's Response:

Oh, your poor brain...

And Thank you. :)

Yes, I binge-watched S4, made a whole bunch on notes, pretty much memorised 'This Year's Girl'/'Who Are You?' (which were the Season highlight for me.) and I was off!

The Prologue was pretty difficult becasue its hard to make a monologue interesting, and I tried to make it obvious where Buffy was in her S4 timeline ('Freshman', 'Fear Itself', 'Doomed', etc), plus add a couple of differences. (no sleeping with Parker, no cave-slayer and so on.)


There's going to be quite a bit of Buffy/Willow tension as things go forward, plus the whole Buffy/Faith/Riley thing is more fun to write than I first thought it would be!

Feedback is of course welcome but not a requirement, I don't want to become one of those writers, y'know.

Thanks again.

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