The Chosen Two Archive
A Buffy/Faith Fanfiction Community

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Members: 1536
Series: 20
Stories: 289
Chapters: 1550
Word count: 7908585
Authors: 58
Reviews: 2554
Reviewers: 156
Newest Member: elamanuela


Reviews For Shot in the Dark

Name: Luka (Signed) · Date: 12/25/2023 11:06 AM · For: The Detour

The last part made me tear up :( RIP India Cohen.


Name: Azirahael (Signed) · Date: 06/23/2023 04:53 AM · For: The Detour



I was expecting a little more drama before it finished, but all in all a nice neat story.

Author's Response:

You know, I kind of thought of having the demon/Travers be harder to defeat, and then I decided that he's actually just a tiny little man and he should be easy for Buffy to crush.

Name: AustenFuego (Signed) · Date: 03/20/2023 09:37 AM · For: The Detour

This story was awesome!  So glad you finished it up after 8(?) years!!!  I reread the previous fic for a refresh and was reminded how much I enjoyed the premise. So unique and fun. 

I am here for any other sequels you have stashed away somewhere!

Thank you so much for sharing your talent and skills with us over the years; you have brought me hours and hours of joy (and wonderful angst). 

Name: Elphaba (Signed) · Date: 03/14/2023 05:37 PM · For: The Detour

Thank you!

I adore your writing.

you have such a solid grasp of these characters that unlike most authors they are distinct and clearly different. Your plotting is wonderful and as always you throw in surprises and curveballs.

you said you also post on AO3 - would you please share a link to that so I can follow you on there too?

And it was SO NICE that Buffy was so relaxed and sweet with Faith and Faith wasn't torturing herself anymore. 

I love soft fuffy. 


Thank you for another wonderful story that excited me and brought me happiness. 

Author's Response:

Hi! I'm so glad to hear from you. I had been thinking of you and wondering if you were well. I remember you mentioned having a CT and waiting for the results last year. I hope everything is great for you, and thank you for always coming back to read! I've been making progress again on a very long story I've been writing for years. Hoping to finish this year and excited to share it. I think it'll be up your alley for sure.

Name: Alyelehyoo (Anonymous) · Date: 05/11/2021 03:23 PM · For:

Shot in the Dark

ASDFGHKLJHSAKDHFKALADJCHSKSLALAKDFKFLS I love that they met as baby teenagers and got to be together again !!!! This is so adorable <3 thank you for giving them a world where they didn't have any of the angst canon put them through. And I love how kendra looked out for her newbie potential and how the more experienced potentials also looked out for the newbies (except for Ingrid).Sad that India was so sad and could only look forward to waking up each day knowing it was one more day that she survived but I'm glad people remember her. Thank you thank you thank you!!

Author's Response:

Thank you!!! This is one of my favorite stories (and it also has an unfinished sequel because of course it does). Glad you liked it!

Name: juliaoneshoe (Signed) · Date: 04/24/2021 09:29 AM · For:

Shot in the Dark

Man I haven't read this one in a while and now I'm regretting leaving it so long. This is, DEADASS, my favourie fuffy fic ever I think. It's so original, so unique, so heartfelt and to see Faith and Buffy navigating tweenhood is just so fricken sweet man. You do an incredible job of keeping them in character but with a few less years full of trauma and heartache. Thank you for giving me and the characters EXACTLY what we want. 

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! :D This is definitely kind of a niche fic, with the time it's set in, so I'm thrilled for it to be someone's favorite. :D It does have a partially finished sequel that I hope to one day get back to and finish up. 

Name: Queen of Hurts (Signed) · Date: 01/19/2021 08:18 AM · For:

Shot in the Dark

This was such a fun and feel-good story! I remember reading it right after a really angsty story, so I enjoyed the atmosphere of this fic even more! 

I love the idea of having them meet before canon started, and I'm really obsessed with the timeline you created here! Them already knowing each other when they meet on the show for the first time, and therefore not carrying the same baggage, that's awesome! 

My only note is that it could have been improved by having them stay in cabins by the lake... But you're forgiven, you were young and didn't know any better :P 

Author's Response:

Oh fuck. Why didn't I think of that??? 😭😭😭 I didn't yet know about the OT3. There is a sequel to this story, and it's probably about half done. Maybe there's still time to work some cabins in to that. 😜

Name: buffylovesfaith (Anonymous) · Date: 04/05/2020 09:55 AM · For:

Shot in the Dark

I love this fic SO much! It's a really unique and awesome AU idea, which is both original and yet  also so perfectly them. The characterizations are amazing. Both of their voices are so in character (and everyone else's too) and I love how they are so cute and flirty together and yet still manage to rile each other up in such a short period of time. And then their reunion was perfect! This is what canon owed me! If you ever do decide to write that sequel I would die. And I can't wait for anything else you come up with for them as well, I miss your writing! Hope you're doing well out there :).

Author's Response:

Hi!! Thank you so much. I'm glad you loved this one! It was really interesting to write them pre-baggage, and Buffy in particular as a younger less certain version. :) The sequel was started and has been touched within the last six months, at least. So it's not as abandoned as it may seem based on the length of time since this one was posted. If I ever finish it and post it though... we may both die. Lol. These days I am a very sporadic writer, so probably once every few months I work on something. I did finish the next chapter to The Other Woman, if you're reading that one. And I am currently working on the final chapter to that fic--currently like it's open and I'm getting back to it in a minute, not like, I opened the document several months ago and have done no work. :p So I hope the finale is forthcoming to that. I do have multiple other unfinished multi chap stories, that at some point I'll either finish, or I'll just post what exists for anyone who is still interested. Thanks again! I hope you're doing well too, and staying safe in these crazy times. 

Name: SixteenThirty (Signed) · Date: 08/16/2019 05:32 PM · For:

Shot in the Dark

OK, so I realise I'm just re reading all your fics now. Like I'm in a quirky version of a binge loop. This is by far one of my favourite stories by you and in my (totally bordering on stalker) relieving my best life I spotted a comment in the reviews that there's a sequel to this. Pretty please with a cherry on top, could you release that into the world? I, ney the entire fandom, would appreciate it!




Author's Response:

You can stalk me anytime. 😂😂 I appreciate that someone still cares what I’m writing after I disappear for ages and only periodically reappear. The sequel to this remains in a state of “sort of almost finished.” I can’t promise I’ll finish soon, but I can promise that I‘ll open the document and see what happens... I just finished the next chapter to The Other Woman and should be posting that this weekend, so I am making *some* progress on my languishing stuff. I would love to actually finish this sequel and post it. 

Name: 0mni (Anonymous) · Date: 05/14/2017 04:25 AM · For:

Shot in the Dark

I LOVED THIS CONCEPT! I don't think I've ever read a fic about Faith and Buffy as potentials. It's interesting to imagine what their non-slayer personas would be! I think I remember Buffy being portrayed as a totally shallow, empty-headed cheerleader (with the valley girl accent and everything ha ha).

But since Giles was already training her for a year in this fic, we see more of Buffy as we know her. Faith seems about right for a pre-slayer days persona, too!

Good job! I enjoyed it! 

Also, digging the sexy times ; D!

Author's Response:

Thank you!!! <3 <3 <3 I shouldn't dig myself deeper into the hole of fics I promise to produce and then don't get around to finishing, but umm, this fic has a sequel. :D It's like 3k words in and it's kind of almost done, so I feel reasonably confident I might finish it in this lifetime and share it with you, lol.

Name: AustenFuego (Signed) · Date: 09/19/2016 11:07 PM · For:

Shot in the Dark

Just reread this and it was even better than I remembered! I love your writing and characterization so much I will anything you write forever. Gah!  Why do stories have to end?

Author's Response:

Sorry I forgot to get back to you! Thank you, lovely human. Now if only I would get off my lazy butt and actually finish something else for you to read...

Name: soulstealer247 (Signed) · Date: 04/10/2016 02:21 AM · For:

Shot in the Dark

Awesome! Almost wish there was an extended version or one where we see Buffy called/die and how whoever is called feels.

Author's Response:

Maybe someday. :) I do have a little sequel to this one that I've started. We'll see if it ever gets done. It has low priority in my list haha.

Name: valtazar (Anonymous) · Date: 11/15/2014 01:42 PM · For:

Shot in the Dark

briliant idea and execution. thank you for this story.

Author's Response:

Thank you for this review! :)

Name: bobina (Signed) · Date: 08/18/2014 03:33 PM · For:

Shot in the Dark

Okay, I know I say this a lot, but it's always true. It's true about this story, so I'll say it here. It's true about Ashes, and I'll say it again when I have time to re-read and review it later. And it's always been true about FFAG and TGFA and I promise I'll finish my reviews soon and sing it from the rooftops. 


Period. Full stop. 

I wasn't really sure what to expect going in, but pretty much from minute one, with Giles and Joyce squaring off over Buffy's free time and well-being, it felt like home. I think the thing I love most about your stories, whether it's full of angst and drama, or fluff and romance, is how much you clearly love and understand the characters you write. 

The retreat for potential Slayers and their Watchers was a really interesting premise, and I think you did well to make it the focal point of the story. Seeing Kendra and Diana and little baby Kennedy and little baby Rona (aww!) in such different lights was a real treat. I want a full story about Ingrid now. And THANK YOU for incorporating India Cohen into the story. Too few fic authors remember the Slayer who came before Buffy, and I really enjoyed her presence here as the mentor, however distant, to all of these eager young girls. 

Faith's introduction was absolutely perfect. I loved seeing the different ways young Buffy and Faith reacted to all of the different courses and lessons they got to take. 

What I liked best was getting to see the two of them react to each other without all of the pain and anger and fear that will weigh them both down in just a few short years. Here, they're able to really be themselves. They have no huge secrets to keep from each other, and they're on even footing. Their biggest misunderstanding was whether or not Faith was gonna kiss Buffy? That's kind of adorable. 

Getting to see them three years down the line, both hardened by life but still so excited to see each other, was the closure the story needed. Though I'd love to see a sequel where the Chosen Two go back to the retreat together to impart some wisdom on the next crop of potentials!

Author's Response:

Thank you! :D I guess we will have to imagine that without the catalyst of Buffy getting in trouble, Joyce and Hank still eventually divorce so that Giles and Joyce can get together. I ship them. :p 

I don't read the Buffy books, so everything I know about India Cohen I get from the Buffy wikia, but I thought it was cool for her to be there. Then I got stuck on what she would say that would profoundly move the slayers. Buffy took seven years to fully develop her speechifying and I didn't want her to sound too like later season Buffy. So I decided to go with the don't die advice, and just let the fact that you know she dies soon be there in the background. So her words are more powerful than she knows. Or at least I hope they are. :p I hoped the same about Kendra, putting in her hopes for the future and her casual five years out bet with Buffy that we know she'll never see. Or maybe not everyone loves Kendra like me so these were less effective than I wanted haha. I wanted to do more with the other potentials that we know, but I was up against the word count and I didn't want to sacrifice too much B/F time. 

I sort of want to do a sequel, but I have SO many ideas waiting in the wings. I should probably finish some of those. :p

Name: A (Anonymous) · Date: 08/16/2014 10:26 PM · For:

Shot in the Dark

So goood.  I love the story.  Great chemistry. 

Author's Response:

Thank you. :)

Name: pepsigirl (Anonymous) · Date: 08/16/2014 06:20 PM · For:

Shot in the Dark

Hey! Just finished reading this story and it was awesome. I always love reading AU of Buffy and Faith. It's always good to see what great stories people can come up with. And this was definitely a great one. Reading is one of my escapes from life and being able to read such light and fun stories like these always makes me feel better. I appreciate your talent and stories! Keep it up. I definitely wouldn't mind a sequel :p 

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! I really appreciate that. :) I'm glad you liked this fic--it was a new writing experience, definitely felt a little out of my comfort zone. A couple people mentioned a sequel... I'm now pondering it. Darn it! I have so many things to write already! I don't need to add to my extremely long list. :p So I won't say no, and we'll see what happens. :) thank you again. 

Name: madison4865 (Signed) · Date: 08/11/2014 05:31 PM · For:

Shot in the Dark

NICE! interesting twist to the slayers story, really liked it!

Author's Response:

Thank you!! :)

Name: topak (Signed) · Date: 08/11/2014 04:58 AM · For:

Shot in the Dark

If you didn't tell me I wouldn't have figured out that the reason why this fic felt so light was because there wasn't any angst at all, not even when they parted!

The part I liked the best was when they were still potentials at the camp. It's fun to imagine the ditzy Buffy slowly getting attracted to the cocky Faith. It's like one of those high school romance movies that you watch during summer. Except they're both girls and they're training to become vampire and monster hunters. I was smiling at their cuteness. Especially when B walked out on Faith at the lake.

I laughed when I read that you've included Kennedy. She's still pesky in this world huh? It was fun seeing the other slayers and potentials.

Cool how you tied it with S3 canon. And that you only touched on the Angel romance. You know my reaction on the sex :P

I wonder if canon was like this, would Faith have ended up a better person?

Author's Response:

I would have squeezed some parting angst in there, but I was hitting the word count limit. :p

I'm glad you liked it and you thought they seemed like them when I asked you to read over the first section. I was worried about whether they felt true to character the whole way. Until season 3 picked up, haha. Kennedy will be a brat in any universe, so of course she's the one who spoils the kiss. I should have had the demon eat her. :) 

I do know how you felt about the sex, and I think you're wrong! Lol. :D I think maybe if Buffy and Faith had this background together, she would have tried harder to reach Faith or Faith would have been more able to trust her after Finch, but I'm not sure. I could write it and find out, but I have enough stories going on right now. :p

Name: riterevrenzee (Signed) · Date: 08/11/2014 12:38 AM · For:

Shot in the Dark

This was a really pretty story you know like when you go window shopping and see pretty things and say ooh pretty. From beginning to end that's how this story felt. Pretty. Not like flashy pretty but put together well and realistically. The characters felt real and I could see the series going this way. 3 thumbs up cause I'm a mutant. 

Author's Response:

Thank you and your mutant thumb very much. :p Glad you liked it. It's always nerve wracking departing from your usual type of fic, and I'm happy to hear it worked for you. :D

Name: Electra (Signed) · Date: 08/10/2014 03:47 PM · For:

Shot in the Dark

So I know I got a sneak preview of the first few sections of this, and yeah, I loved them.  (Much like everything else of yours I've read).  But then I got to the middle, and the delicious Fuffyness appeared and my love grew through the roof.  Loved how casual you had their interactions; holding hands and not making a big deal about it.  Just simple, but still meaningful.  Loved their scene on the dock, and was not surprised by Buffy's little freakout.  lol  

And the cute little repetition of 'can we get back to when i was/you were going to kiss me/you' was so sweet.

The time jump was awesome; I'm glad you decided to go with it.  It's nice closure after you so rudely tore them apart after the retreat (ya meanie!).

Basically what I'm trying to say is I loved it, and I'm glad you didn't kill everybody.  lol   Great story :)

Author's Response:

I rarely kill people! Hmmph. Thank you, jerk. And thank you for telling me to write this random idea. :p You did tell me not to write the sex though, so you were obviously wrong about that. :D

I think Buffy and Faith could actually have gotten along like this if Faith knew how to be forthcoming and Buffy didn't have so much baggage. It was nice to play with a world where that was the case. Now I'm sitting around being like, hmm, sequel where they crash the retreat after quitting the council?? 

Name: SilentlySlaying (Signed) · Date: 08/10/2014 01:53 PM · For:

Shot in the Dark

This needs to be made into a feel-good movie.

I was a little wary after reading the description as I'm not a fan of A/U stuff that's so different that it's not really the same characters anymore, but this wasn't one of those things. Faith felt very much like Faith, only at a point in her life where she'd found herself in a good place, and I can imagine Buffy being exactly as she's written here when she was younger. Plus you even had Kenedy almost ruining everything. :p

Kendra being involved was cool, even if it was only a little bit.

Buffy going hunting completely unprepared, and Faith's resulting disbelief - hah. What would Giles say? And then, d'aaw, a first kiss while covered in demon innards. Living the dream.

The whole thing was heart-warming, but I think I might have loved the ending the most. I thought it was headed for bittersweet (And was fully prepared to complain), with them having to reluctantly part ways. But having Faith show up at the usual time in S3 plus also showing that the young Buffy who was nervous and unassured had become the same determined and powerful character we're used to seeing felt like a much nicer choice/fit. :)

Author's Response:

I'm not a fan of that either! :p As I was writing it, I kept trying to view the two of them through the lens of the people they ended up being. It was a little strange writing bb slayers, but I'm glad you think I succeeded! :) Of course, Kennedy was extremely in character. 

In Buffy's defense, Kendra didn't tell her where they were going. :p Faith is just super prepared because she loves knives. I actually debated a lot where to end it. I thought it needed some kind of check in after they'd left the retreat but I wasn't sure where. I thought maybe Buffy would go back the following year to speak as the slayer, but then I kind of loved the idea of doing Faith's introduction scene from season 3. Everything after that just sort of popped into my brain and begged to be added. I'm anxious to get back to writing angst and making you complain though. You've been spoiled with the lack of character death for far too long. 

Name: Dylan (Signed) · Date: 08/09/2014 04:38 AM · For:

Shot in the Dark

This was a pretty nifty idea. Kinda cute reading about them as potentials.

Enjoyed it :)  

Author's Response:

Thank you, madam. I almost fell off my chair seeing you in the reviews. :p Don't think I have forgotten you either, my review is forthcoming. :)

Name: AustenFuego (Signed) · Date: 08/08/2014 09:59 PM · For:

Shot in the Dark

I just loved this so much. Thank you for writing it and I hope you keep getting inspirations for fun fics like this. I love angst as much as the next person but sometimes you just want someone to bring out the fun!

Author's Response:

Is this a bad time to tell you the next long fic will have angst again? :X 

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. :) I will try to write fluffy fics when the writing gods allow. :)

Name: Hayley (Signed) · Date: 08/08/2014 11:57 AM · For:

Shot in the Dark

You know, I don't think I've ever read a story where everyone knew each other prior to being called. Having a slayer retreat was an excellent idea to make that happen!

I love how even at the beginning Faith is a little protective of Buffy and looks out for her. It was so cute how embarrassed and nervous Buffy gets at times, too. It made for some very sweet moments.

Great story! :)

Author's Response:

Thank you, ma'am! It was kind of a weird writing experience since they weren't really *them* yet. I'm glad you liked it!! 

Name: shanesthebest (Anonymous) · Date: 08/07/2014 10:41 PM · For:

Shot in the Dark

really freaking awesome story!!!!

Author's Response:

Thanks! :)

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